Buy HCG Pregnyl 5000 I.U.
Purchase 5000ui of HCG Pregnyl. This medication is readily available and reasonably priced. Its main purpose is to help the female body produce an ovum, but athletes also use it to lower their body’s testosterone levels. Online, you can purchase it for a fair price. In addition to figuring out the appropriate dosage, there are a few other things you should know about this hormone.
HCG: What is it?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone, or HCG for short, is a polypeptide hormone. Early in pregnancy, the placenta of expectant mothers secretes this hormone. The majority of over-the-counter pregnancy test kits sold by pharmacies identify pregnancy by looking for HCG in a pregnant woman’s urine. In addition to treating infertility, HCG has other uses. The amorphous powder known as HCG Pregnyl 5000 I.U. can be reconstituted for parenteral administration. HCG, the active pharmaceutical ingredient, functions similarly to luteinizing hormone (LH). It can be used both as an anabolic steroid and as a diet aid. Pregnyl, the first commercially available HCG, was patented.
Along with strengthening their anabolic steroid regimen, it is now also used to reduce testosterone secretion in athletes.
In order to gain more muscle mass, athletes strive for higher testosterone production. When blood testosterone levels rise, the body will cease producing testosterone. This may even result in the testicles becoming smaller (atrophy). Athletes use HCG in conjunction with nutritional supplements and strength training to maintain sperm production and testosterone release in order to prevent this issue.
Progesterone is necessary for the endometrium to thicken in a pregnant woman’s uterus. Progesterone production is stimulated by HCG. HCG production is higher in the first trimesters of pregnancy but decreases as the pregnancy goes on.
Reasons to Purchase HCG:
In order to combat the body’s negative feedback response and reduce testosterone secretion, which can ultimately lead to testicular atrophy or shrinkage, athletes utilize a variety of anabolic androgenic cycles in conjunction with HCG. After an AAC cycle, HCG is typically given to control testosterone levels and promote muscle growth.
The dosage
At the conclusion of a treatment, use HCG Pregnyl 5000iu to prevent a “crash,” or to facilitate the smoothest possible transition into “natural training.” However, before taking HCG, the steroid dosage or intake must be gradually and evenly decreased. Unfortunately, HCG is not a perfect solution to stop the loss of strength and mass at the end of a steroid treatment, even though it quickly and significantly raises the endogenic plasmatestosterone level. As has frequently been noted, the athlete will only undergo a delayed re-adjustment. HCG does not aid in the restoration of the normal hypothalamic/pituitary testicular axis, despite the fact that it does increase endogenous testosterone production.
Because the endogenous testosterone generated by the exogenous HCG suppresses the endogenous LH production, the hypothalamus and pituitary remain in a refractory state following extended steroid use and continue to do so while taking HCG. The athlete still has to go through a period of readjusting after stopping the HCG. The use of HCG only delays this. Because of this, seasoned athletes frequently start another steroid treatment right away or take Clomid and Clenbuterol after consuming HCG. To stop using “steroids” for at least two to three weeks, some people take HCG.
The suggested dosage for this medication under different circumstances is as follows:
250–300 I.U. during on-cycle therapy; 500–4000 I.U. during post-cycle therapy; 500–1000 I.U. during testosterone replacement therapy.
Injection recommendations
Every five days, the athlete should inject one 5000 I.U. HCG ampule. It is not necessary to inject HCG more than once every five days because, as previously mentioned, the testosterone level stays significantly elevated for several days. The athlete is in charge of deciding the relative dosage, which should be based on the strength of the different steroid compounds as well as the length of time the athlete has previously taken steroids.
A relatively high dosage is recommended for athletes who have been using steroids for longer than three months and for athletes who primarily use highly androgenic steroids like Dianabol (D-bol), Sustanon, and Anadrol. As previously stated, athletes should receive injections every five days at an effective dosage of 2000–5000 I.U. HCG should only be taken for a maximum of four weeks.
Male athletes who take high doses of HCG over several weeks may experience poor testicular response to subsequent HCG intake and the body’s own release of LH. This might lead to a gonadal function that is permanently impaired. HCG cycles should be limited to no more than three weeks at a time, with at least one month between each cycle. For instance, the HCG may be used for two or three weeks at the beginning and the end of a cycle. It has been hypothesized that long-term HCG use may permanently suppress the body’s natural gonadotropin production. For this reason, short cycles are the most effective.