Beginners Bulking Cycle
Cycle Goals:
- Increase lean muscle mass
- Improve strength and performance
- Minimize fat gain during bulking
Steroids Used:
- Testosterone Enanthate (Injectable) – Base steroid for mass gain
- Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) – Oral – Kickstart for quick muscle and strength gains
Cycle Overview:
Cycle Length: 12 weeks
- Weeks 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate
Dosage: 250-500 mg per week (Split into 2 injections of 125-250 mg twice a week, e.g., Monday and Thursday)
Purpose: Testosterone Enanthate is the foundation for most bulking cycles. It promotes muscle growth, strength gains, and helps maintain libido. It’s a long-acting ester, so injecting twice a week ensures stable blood levels. Beginners should start with 250 mg/week, increasing to 500 mg/week only if they feel comfortable with side effects.
- Weeks 1-4: Dianabol (Optional Oral Steroid)
Dosage: 20-30 mg per day
Purpose: Dianabol is a powerful oral steroid that works rapidly, providing fast muscle and strength gains in the first few weeks of the cycle. It’s often used as a “kickstarter” in bulking cycles since injectables like Testosterone Enanthate take a few weeks to reach peak effectiveness. However, it can cause water retention and is harsh on the liver.
Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) included with the Beginners Bulking Cycle
After a bulking steroid cycle, PCT is essential to restore natural testosterone production and prevent muscle loss after the cycle.
Weeks 13-16: PCT Plan
Clomid: 50 mg/day for 2 weeks, then 25 mg/day for 2 weeks
tamoxifen : 40 mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20 mg/day for 2 weeks
Purpose: Both Clomid and tamoxifen are essential for restarting natural testosterone production after the cycle ends, reducing the risk of post-cycle depression, low libido, and muscle loss.
Whats included?
With this bundle you will receive the following:
- Testosterone Enanthate X3
- dianabol 10mg X1
- Clomid X2
- Tamoxifen X2
- Green Needles X3 packs
- Blue needles X3 packs
- Barrels X3 packs